Civil surveillance

Most escape attempts were already prevented at the beach or far inland e.g. at the railway stations in Rostock or Bad Doberan. Travelleres seen carrying boats or diving equipment were reported and arrested. This surveillance in the run up to an escape was only possible with the assistance of the civil powers as the STASI (state police), the town councils, police and border volunteers. Tourists and locals were constantly observed without knowing it. Rules and laws were designed accordingly to limit all escape opportunities already in the beginning.

Border regulations
Millions of tourists who came every year to visit the Baltic Sea had to live with elaborated restrictions during their holidays. The border regulations covered all parts of daily life in Kühlungsborn , the accommodations, beach activities and swimming, the duty of registration for visitors, the usage of all water crafts…. The border regulations were binding for locals as well as visitors, infringement could lead to imprisonment. The usage of boats and diving equipment, walking in the night hours and sleeping at the bach was forbidden. The Wasserrettungsdienst (Water rescue) stopped people from swimming into the deep water e.g. with air mattrasses in the day time.
Kühlungsborn and the Border AG
Since 1961 and the Berlin Wall the civil surveillance closes up at the Baltic Sea. The Town Council of Kühlungsborn under guidance oft he Border Brigade collaborates with hotels, state companies, Water Rescue, schools and other organisations in the Border AG working goup. The Border AG meets monthly to acces the border control and to develop strategies. Their activities start with the erecting of centralized boat storage places that are under observance througout the strict registration policy for every visitor to the town and the vast recruitment of civil border volunteers. von Grenzhelfern.

Border Volunteers
The recruitment of civil border volunteers began in 1972 amongst state companies, schools or the tourism association. These volunteers used to patrole in pairs the beaches at night. They operated „under cover“ , pretending to be tourists or beach walkers. They had to look out for suspicious persons and activities as someone trying to launch a boat or carrying diving device, people with backpacks or outdoor equipment. The border volunteers were linked to the Border Radio Transmitting System „ Grenzmeldenetz“. They received 240 Mark annually for their service.